Singing Guide: Dermot Kennedy

Singing Guide: Dermot Kennedy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Dermot Kennedy is an Irish singer-songwriter famous for his unique blend of folk, pop, and hip-hop. One of his most defining features is his ability to create a powerful and emotional connection with his fans through his music.

To learn singing like Dermot Kennedy, it is important to master certain vocal techniques and to practice singing with conviction and emotion. In this article, we highlight some of the key elements that make up Kennedy's unique style, songs that showcase his talent, and Singing Carrots resources that can help you achieve this goal.

Techniques to Master

Songs to Practice

  • "Outnumbered": This powerful and emotional song is one of Kennedy's most popular tracks. With its soaring chorus and heartfelt lyrics, it showcases Kennedy's ability to connect with his audience through his music.
  • "Giants": This track features a fast-paced rap-like verse section that requires precise breath control and enunciation. Mastering this track can be a great way to improve your flow as a vocalist.
  • "All My Friends": This ballad highlights Kennedy's signature vocal raspy quality as well as his emotive vibrato.

Singing Carrots Resources

By using these resources and techniques, you too can learn to sing like Dermot Kennedy and create unforgettable music that touches the hearts of fans all around the world.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.